
7, rue Pierre Burlot
Chateau de Thizy
F-89420 THIZY
+33 3 86 32 11 71


Presentation :

Michel ROETZER is a stone cutter and sculptor firmly imbued with Burgundian tradition. In 1970 he acquired the abandonned château of Thizy and has since inhabited it in every way. During summer his works are displayed in the courtyard of the chateau: statues, fountains, sculptures... arranged like a medieval garden.

He is know the fountains he did for the towns of S St Florentin and Tonnerre.

In 1993 he was awarded the "grand prix départemental des Métiers d'Art".

A serious master, he is well reputed for training young grant recipients of the Société d'Encouragement aux Métiers d'Arts, and stone cutters of the Lycée Marcs d'Or (Dijon).

Realisations :